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Visitors 71
Modified 28-Jul-20
Created 7-Aug-19
57 photos

Calling this trip the "Cooperstown" road trip is a little misleading. I didn't take any photographs in Cooperstown. However, I did spend a week of this trip coaching my 12U travel baseball team in Cooperstown. I've included a couple of team pictures that I captured earlier in the season in this collection.

The photography portion of the trip took place before and after that tournament. The trip covered 22 days and 2,900 miles.

CLICK HERE to view some of the major photo shoots from this journey.
12U Orland Park WarriorsPittsburgh SkylineCleveland Public LibraryLibrary staircaseSt. Joseph CathedralPennsylvania State CapitolCleveland City HallHeinz Memorial ChapelOrchidCleveland Public LibraryCleveland ArcadeYellow stairsPresident Tyler's TombWren staircaseTapsCleveland Public LibraryPennsylvania State CapitolPennsylvania State CapitolHeinen's of Cleveland