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Visitors 214
Modified 6-Jan-21
Created 25-Sep-18
67 photos

My road trip from Chicago to Newfoundland and back covered 6,428 miles by car (Prius), 460 miles by ferry (Prius on board) and 245 miles by foot over 28 days.
To view my itinerary, please CLICK HERE.
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To view all 769 photographs from the trip, please CLICK HERE.
Newfoundland Road Trip ItineraryDowntown HalifaxPeggy's CoveHarborGirl knittingShip HectorAtlantic puffinRocky HarbourMan standing in doorwayBonavista Lighthouse stairsDog in the windowFox Point LighthouseLobster trapsSod churchMetal linesFlowerYellow motorcycleHouse of AssemblyFerryland Harbour islandsCabot Tower