While planning for my visit to the Chicago Museum of Contemporary Art, I packed my camera bag with the assumption that my tripod would not be welcome at the museum. To stabilize the camera, I packed a Bogen Super Clamp.
But, I had my back-up plan in place. It wasn't quite as easy as I envisioned to get the clamp in a convenient spot, but eventually I got it there. I was able to squeeze off many photographs while getting all of the benefits of having the camera secured in place--low ISO setting of 100, multiple exposures for building HDR images, narrower apertures for greater depth of field, etc.
As my photo shoot was coming to a close, I was once again approached by security. This time I was told that "clamps are not permitted in the museum"! I was also told that I could not lean over the railing even when hand-holding the camera. Fortunately, I already captured all of the photographs that I intended to capture for the session.