Missions of California Trip Itinerary

March 14, 2016  •  Leave a Comment

For my next photography road trip, I plan to visit the 21 Missions of California. Of course, I've included many other sites along the way. This trip will cover approximately 6,000 miles and will take the better part of a month to complete. In addition to the missions, I'll visit several amazing landscape locations (Mono Lake, Lake Tahoe, Joshua Tree, California coastline), a ghost town, three Presidential Libraries and numerous architectural locations in cities such as Las Vegas, Los Angeles and San Diego. I also hope to have the opportunity to visit family along the way.

Here's my preliminary itinerary:

  1. Kearney, NE
  2. Grand Junction, CO
  3. Las Vegas, NV - Visit Family
  4. Las Vegas, NV
  5. Las Vegas, NV
  6. Lee Vining, CA - Mono Lake
  7. Lee Vining, CA - Bodie Ghost Town
  8. Incline Village, NV - Lake Tahoe
  9. Sonoma, CA - Missions
  10. Fremont, CA - Missions, Stanford University
  11. Salinas, CA - Missions
  12. Salinas, CA - Missions and Point Lobos
  13. San Luis Obispo, CA - Missions
  14. San Luis Opispo, CA - Hearst Castle
  15. Santa Barbara, CA - Missions and Courthouse
  16. Los Angeles, CA - Disney Concert Hall, Griffith Observatory
  17. Los Angeles, CA - Missions and Presidential Libraries (Reagan & Nixon)
  18. Los Angeles, CA - Botanic Garden, Churches, Missions, Beaches
  19. Los Angeles, CA
  20. Carlsbad, CA - Missions
  21. San Diego, CA - Zoo, Geisel Library
  22. San Diego, CA - Mormon Temple, Beaches
  23. San Diego, CA - Visit Family, Mission
  24. Salton Sea, CA - Salvation Mountain
  25. Joshua Tree, CA - Joshua Tree National Park
  26. Gallup, NM
  27. Pratt, KS
  28. Independence, MO - Truman Presidential Museum and Historic Site
  29. Orland Park, IL


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